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yeah, that is the conundrum here. but i tried Undecided
Quote:maynard, fnmoron, please keep your little spat in either one of the threads. not both. i would think the maynard is a dick thread would be the more appropriate of the 2. thank you
since you said it so nice.... ok;-)
So does this mean I win? :clueless:
I thought we settled things democratically here? Apparently Maymay is actually doing good. Damnit I told you communism was the better system.

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on July 29 2002 at 3:02
By the vote count...
I'd say he did just fine...
He's still a Dick...
But he did just fine.
No needs for thanks Maynard.
Quote:So does this mean I win?
I think you won the popular vote Maymay but the electoral votes are tied up in court.
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