Full Version: Grumpy's farwell - Tragically dissappeared.....
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No Galt, Ken loved the midget. I'm just reminding him. Alzhiemers seems to be afflicting the young these days.
Quote:everyone plays a role OAS,
I don't like when people leave,
I always thought it was short minded when OA.commers flamed new members who showed potential till they left........
this my favorite part, when ken gets all elder-statesman on us because his name glows:lol:
I believe you are mistaken.

But you know what's funny? The fact that you've had a doctor shove stuff up your colon
Quote:But you know what's funny? The fact that you've had a doctor shove stuff up your colon
The only difference between the two of us is mine was for a scheduled checkup as opposed to your's being a preference of choice. :fuckoff:
Quote:preference of choice.
that was redundant and meant the same thing.
Wakka Wakka. You don't even get the third Wakka because the joke was so Grumpyish
Right now Grumpy is waiting to see if Snuka leaves the board too.
[Image: 018_2535.jpg]

Edited By Ken'sPen on July 29 2002 at 12:42
Pages: 1 2 3 4