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Looks are important, but it depends on the person. Afterall, it's not what you have, but rather what you do with it.

Sluggo, nice sig, but 100Kb is just too big. Please shrink the file size, or change the pic. Thanks.
i feel that looks are important for that initial spark, but its the personality that has to pull them through in the long run. i hate high maintenance, pretty boys, they do absolutely nothing for me.

and since i agree with polly, i never go in to a relationship trying to change anyone, i like to get things out of my relationships, not trying to make them exactly what i want them to be like, where's the fun in that?

Quote:If that is true, then it's settled ... you are NOT a girl.

well since i agree with her, i must say, i am not a girl..i'm a GRRRRRRRRL

Quote:i hate high maintenance, pretty boys, they do absolutely nothing for me.
Do you ever stop getting better?
Quote:Do you ever stop getting better?

never ever never :bouncer:
big boobs - check
tall - check
funny - check
smart - check
likes sloppy guys - check

Looks like you're perfect for me. Big Grin :kid a: Big Grin
Quote:likes sloppy guys - check

Looks like you're perfect for me

wait just a min, i never said i like sloppy guys. i love to clean, and if my guy is all sloppy and dirty, i may just have to kill him. and i am far from perfect my dear.
Quote:likes sloppy guys - check

Calm down big boy. She didn't mean sloppy as in pizza cheese in your snatch hairs sloppy :eek:
I'm not going to bullshit anyone and say that I don't care what a girl looks like...but there is more to spending time with someone than how they look in a pair of hot pants.

I guess I really care if a girl takes care of herself. If she is really overweight that can be an instant killer for me. I know it sounds shallow to say it, but I guess it has something to do with me being a kind of active guy, I could never stand to be with a couch potato, and big girls tend not to be too active.

Other than that, I think the most important thing is if they have a sharp wit, can I hold a converstation with them where they will put me in my place with a good comment. If they are totally gorgeous, but don't eat sleep and dream in colors of sarcasm, that can be a little boring.

I've had some girlfriends who my friends have later told me (after we broke up) that they weren't the best looking, and I really didn't care. I had a good time talking with them, and looks don't neccesarily relate to the ability to have fun conversations, and that is way more important to me
Oh no VG, don't get me wrong. I'm actually a relatively neat guy. However, I am far from high maintenance.
Of course looks are going to be that first attraction, but, it all comes down to personality for me. I need to have a person that is going to be there mentally. My ex-wife was hot, had a great body, but we were just so different, that things just didn't work. Now, I'm looking for someone who is mentally compatible. If they look good, thats an added bonus.
Maynard Wrote:Of course looks are going to be that first attraction, but, it all comes down to personality for me. I need to have a person that is going to be there mentally. My ex-wife was hot, had a great body, but we were just so different, that things just didn't work. Now, I'm looking for someone who is mentally compatible. If they look good, thats an added bonus.
Do they have to have all their shots?
Very important, like SC said, it's the looks that get you hooked in. If I think a girl is a slob just based on appearence I wouldn't give her a second look. Yet she could be the greatest lay, and yeah, even a person you'd want to talk to afterwards, but she wouldn't get to ride the GW train. Yeah, looks are important.
DGW Wrote:but she wouldn't get to ride the GW train.
AAAAAAAaahahhahahahahaa :roltflmao: :bouncer: :roltflmao:
Quote:Of course looks are going to be that first attraction, but, it all comes down to personality for me. I need to have a person that is going to be there mentally.
Holy Shit....I agree with Maymay......somebody shoot me!!

Edited By Metalfan on Jan. 28 2002 at 09:02
damn May May..I like your answer Smile
I can't speak for everyone but, lately I've found myself much more attracted to women who would not be considered beautiful as far as the status quo.

Like I stated earlier, it's not what you have but what you do with it. You don't have to be perfect, but work what you have. Don't wear a belly shirt if you have a belly. Don't wear a white tanktop with a black bra. If it looks like you put your make-up on with a spray can, unh uh, you're out. I've met girls both thick and thin that were beautiful in their own right.

But, like others have said, it ain't all about the looks. If I can't have a conversation with a girl, it's over. If I find myself thinking of other shit while she's talking, that's usually my cue to cut my losses.
Kid Afrika Wrote:I can't speak for everyone but, lately I've found myself much more attracted to women who would not be considered beautiful as far as the status quo.

Like I stated earlier, it's not what you have but what you do with it. You don't have to be perfect, but work what you have. Don't wear a belly shirt if you have a belly. Don't wear a white tanktop with a black bra. If it looks like you put your make-up on with a spray can, unh uh, you're out. I've met girls both thick and thin that were beautiful in their own right.

But, like others have said, it ain't all about the looks. If I can't have a conversation with a girl, it's over. If I find myself thinking of other shit while she's talking, that's usually my cue to cut my losses.
I'm with you on this one...exactly. They say you can't fuck a personality...but let me tell you, after 30 some-odd years, you get more of a grip on what you want and appreciate in a woman, and it's much more than just looks. You can fuck looks, but god help you try to have a conversation after, etc.
Looks get me hooked in. Personality is the sealing factor with me as well as having alot in common with someone. If i don't find someone attractive at first and I like their personality I find my self finding things attractive about's funny how that works.
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