Full Version: Mod factions and their army
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kack and keyser are gonna get thier asses kicked!!
didn't take long for maynard to make you his bitch mod and lock your thread.

and after havin' his back this morning.
Quote:Can't we all just get along?
No. In todays world of downsizing and rightsizing the board needs to run mean and lean. $20 a head from the members wont cut it in keeping up the mod payroll. The members won't tolerate an increase at the next board function.

Two of you must go.
I hate when incinerated jew flesh clogs up my chimney.
Quote:didn't take long for maynard to make you his bitch mod and lock your thread.
He was my bitch long before this thread.

wait till you see how I make YOU my bitch.
ha, I already sold my ass to another for protection.
i'm his bitch:-(
We have to pay double...Rolleyes can just keep getting your paycheck by closing your eyes and sucking it out of the hose. OK?
A hose, huh?
Mod survivor. Can I be Rudy to Maynard's John Hatch?
I always pictured you as more of a "Kimmy" Keyser.
Mod only chat. I busted in, and you can't stop me.

Working Class RISE UP!
They have BTS for this sort of thing ya know.
I'm a long island whore vegitarian with nice cans?
Quote:jack - 0 votes
nobody likes jack :thumbs-up:
yeah, he's not staying mod is he? I mean, for serious?
I like Jack. You don't know Jack. Don't say anything bad about Jack. Jack is the shit.
Quote:Jack. You know, Jack. Say anything bad about Jack. Jack is shit.
someone vote for me so ican take the lead and then we will kick some ass with our superior numbers
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