Full Version: Jumping to the bottom of the page - I say we get rid of it...
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Pages: 1 2 3
All fixed. No more jumping.
all bow to jack, ladies get to suckin on this fine stud of a man.

He deserves it...:blow:
His name's not blue anymore. I trust him.
NICE!!!!! Someone deveres a tasty, cold beverage!:toast:
:bow: :loveya: Who da man? You da man. HowcanIbethemanifyoudaman-SHAKEITUUUUUUUUPPPP!!:thumbs-up:
ok... so does this thread get locked or does it stay open for us to rag on SYNT?
Quote:ok... so does this thread get locked

look at fuggy weilding his powers... :loveya:
Pages: 1 2 3