Full Version: The end of the mod survivor...
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Quote:You silly fuck, one of those votes were mine. Stick your conspiricy up your ass and smoke it. I may not like Maynard the asst admin but I went with the weakest link
Quote:you did say in the poll that you would get rid of a few if it was vote is close enough, isnt it?
wow, look, you posted a bunch of smiles to express your self. No, really, I am just impressed. Trying to follow in the message board equivlant of a fuckin mime like Maynard?
I wish more people would have voted for Sean,
I could be king of the board right now

i feel some usage of real names coming on
Quote:one vote is close enough, isnt it?


Moron you hate bein a mod on yet you stay, let maymay be.
Quote:Moron you hate bein a mod on yet you stay, let maymay be.

He is the type that lets a woman treat him like utter shit and walk all over him but still says I love you at the end of the night.

Oh, wait, thats not him, thats the other one.
Quote:Moron you hate bein a mod on yet you stay, let maymay be.
yeah... b..bu....but... that's all he has anymore.... please.... let's just take everything from him....:burnfucker:
Quote:yeah... b..bu....but... that's all he has anymore.... please.... let's just take everything from him....

Leave his mom out of this!!!!!
Wait, someone mentioned maynard's mom. Is grumpy back already?
while your sister eats her shit in the corner
dripping cocks!!!
cum guzzling whore of a sister
your mother eats herpes crust out of a donkeys womb
blah blah blah blow job blah blah blah retarded sisters braces.
You guys are no Grumpy. You already left so you can't get all pissy at Ken and quit everywhere at once.

Where is McBurbon, he will be quite pleased that Grumpy ran like a bitch.
You waste your days jacking off on your brother till there's no cum left in you.
AM, I just realized something....

I am glad you are gone.
Don't get me angry, or else I'm going to argue with kid for 5 pages.
Quote:Don't get me angry, or else I'm going to argue with kid for 5 pages.

As if you could. He would so bury you in 3.5 seconds and be done with you. He knows you are young, Thats ammo for him, he will be more than happy to use that against you.
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