Full Version: So...what did you do today? - Any hobbies?  food?  tv??
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race to the top!!!!!
[Image: sandbox.jpg]
i could spend hours in a sandbox
time for some possum pie!!!
hehe i love that!
[Image: HokeyPokey.jpg]
i wanna hokey pokey agaiN!!!!!!
amy never dissapointing. always has pics of the younger ones about. milks a whitehead from my ass into my hand...offers it to amy thanks amy...your the best.

:crackhead: geez usually have pics of hot women. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT NIGHTMARE IN PINK?!?!
i'm not sure, i use an opera browser with images turned off at work. i'll have to look later and get back to you.
LMAO...i really dont wanna know. i was just being curious. i usually look foward to your pics but this one is quite frightening. any little boys in your little browser?
couldn't tell ya, all i see is text.
always happy to help snukums!!!

now for a nicey nice new status
takes whitehead and sucks on it for a while
wow amy you suck so hard my eyeballs resessed into their own sockets. who knew whiteads on my ass had veins connected to my retna's.
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