Full Version: Vg winz!!!11 - ...again
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Quote:keep it in there. thanks.
:-( I lose.
Quote:and aren't you happy i'm here?

You were here from the get go, your name bounced there but your heart posted here.

I think after reading what i typed I am going to go induce vomitting
sean's getting mellow in his old age. :-D
Quote:You were here from the get go, your name bounced there but your heart posted here.
dude, you should write lyrics for Dashboard Confessional!!
You know, i did almost cry when I was typing that. Is there money in EMO or do you have to suffer in your career as well to be truely emo?
Mall emo is all the rage these days. You could make millions and get laid all the time while a bunch of 13 year old kids feel the pain of your lyrics.
i don't know if any of the music these days, even in EMO, is for anything besides cash. Elliot Smith is the only one that comes to mind, but he's a millioniare b/c of the good Will Hunting I guess not.
Quote:You were here from the get go, your name bounced there but your heart posted here.

I think after reading what i typed I am going to go induce vomitting

:loveya: hi sean:loveya:
Quote:Mall emo is all the rage these days. You could make millions and get laid all the time while a bunch of 13 year old kids feel the pain of your lyrics.

Hey, since you got rid of that dead wieght Galt, do you feel like starting another writing team?

Goochie, only you would answer that seriously. Seek Help.
Quote:i don't know if any of the music these days, even in EMO, is for anything besides cash.
Nah there are plenty of bands outside of the mainstream that are all about the music, Fugazi being the main example. They charge $6 at all their shows, $10 for all cds, etc.
Quote:Hey, since you got rid of that dead wieght Galt, do you feel like starting another writing team?
I'm down
Quote:Hey, since you got rid of that dead wieght Galt, do you feel like starting another writing team?
hello! tortured emo soul here! I can Emo circles around sleeper over here!
He's got a point.
Quote:He's got a point.
I hate you with all my soul.
From here on out, whenever Kid complains about the board's content, I want him to relive this little gem that added sooooo much to the overall IQ of the place.
What was wrong with this thread? I thought it might lead to a discussion of people winning shit. Like you won the coveted "Asshole of the Year" award for the last 10 years, in a row. :-o

Besides, I don't think I complained about the board content recently...

Then again, anything I say about the post content of this or any board will be misconstrued as complaining due to my self-fulfilling prophecy.
Quote:I thought it might lead to a discussion of people winning shit.

You mean in the same way maynard starts lunch threads thinking it might lead to the discussion about the finer points of choosing the right merlot?
Merlot's suck, much like this thread. i hate w(h)ine.
but the analogy fits, no? replace wine with the finer points of baked goods. better?
only if they are hash brownies.
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