Full Version: Shawn michaels attacker?
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Unamericans would be a fit, but ehhh test and christian and mistar roboto don't deserve such a push. Unless they bring in someone to join them.
it could be anti-americans but with jericho as their new head guy...that would work.
ahh goochie has a point, jericho who I think it is.

Plus he is canadian, so it makes sense.
I think it's HHH if HBK can wrestle. This keeps HBK off tv until Summerslam. I think it is Jericho or Steiner if he can't wrestle again.
I really don't think it is Steiner...HHH maybe...but then again that would be too obvious...
Yeah cause we all knew that a few years back, the "higher power" couldn't be vince. Vince was too obvious, yet it was.
i just hope it ain't rikishi, with his island boys, who are doing the bidding of Bischoff. Thus, a Trips & HBK vs The Fatboys feud.
Well a tag match would make since in this case. Cause no training or physical exercise will tell you how well you will perform in the ring. Until you are live and in front of 20,000 people doing it.

Having HBK's initial match be a tag match would make sense, then have either a turn by HHH during the match, after the match, or on RAW the next night.

I'm sticking with Jericho though.
<s><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>THIS FUCKIN SUCKS!!!!!!!</span></s>

They wrecked the whole damned thing. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad WWE.
what is this fight bullshit, I want a wrestling match dammit.

Fuckin cock tease coming back for only one match, well atleast summerslam got interesting now. We'll either see a great match or a great wrestler and a sad sight of a former great wrestler.
My roommate forced me to watch this cluster fuck. Wrestlers are the worst actors south of General Hospital.
With all the mentions of Shawn's wife, I wonder if we'll see more of Whisper, aka the Poor Man's Kimberly Page.
i think they are in cahoots. Shawn just ain't washing it as the victim.
i can't believe people take this shit seriously. too funny.
wrestling is a soap opera for guys. no different than Star Trek, where character development and changes occur from episode to episode. it's not a sport.
Quote:soap opera for guys

thats is so gey.
Who was it???????? i didn't watch RAW last night. Nevermind i taped it. :fuggin:
Who was it??? I didn't see it at all! :clueless:
They lamed out and said it was Triple H.
The reason it's being called a "fight" is to lower expectations. I expect HBK to put on some moves to impress. If it was said to be a wrestling match, people expect him to hit moves and expectations would be to compare him to his older self. Now, under the fight guise, he has alot of room for error and if he hits 3 or 4 moves, we'll be impressed.
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