Full Version: Blame jack - For fixing the jumping page bug
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Zootybang not used to change. Change bad. Me scared.
Quote:That should be gone by tomorrow morning.
jack > WK > god
Quote:someone make DIG a fucking mod already

Galt baby, you were my choice till you turned into Mr. Hyde.
Quote:Am I the only one still waiting for the page to go to the bottom, when I open a thread?
yeah, i sat for about 5 minutes the first time i opened a thread, then i just figured i hit tab already, then i waited about 5 minutes the next thread, then i realized it wasn't going :crackhead:
you are stupid :lol:
Jack, I don't hate you nearly as much anymore. Excellent work.
Quote:you are stupid
no i'm not
if the board was down for the reasons i think it was, jack may now have my firstborn son, and every daughter i ever have
Hold on there... nothing has been changed yet. Ran into a little snag and rather than dump it like I did last weekend, we are going to wait and find out a little more info.

Edited By Jack on Aug. 03 2002 at 01:21
I already offered to suck the pants off him, so back off bitch.
you dont get my children, jack

you want them, gonzo?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Aug. 03 2002 at 01:23
No thanks, just kill em off on a napkin, or your stomach.
Thank you Jack. The jumping was the only complaint I had reading this board.

Nice job.:thumbs-up:
arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh it's giving me a headache staring at the screen waiting to jump... :crackhead:
Looks like I will be posting here a lot more often.

It seems that the bug he fixed also fixed my problem with my browser crashing.

I am not 100% sure, but, I would put money on it that I am good to go again.

So, blame Jack.
Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt.
Quote:if the board was down for the reasons i think it was, jack may now have my firstborn son, and every daughter i ever have
he fixed the search function too?
Attention whore
Jack, you are a genius. You fixed shit that we couldn't figure out. :-(

Jack wins!
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