Full Version: Tom Hanks as Abe Lincoln?
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wasn't ronald mcdonald president in the 80's?
anyway back to lincoln.
think they'll have him beat up the french?
French would bend over to anyone with a deep voice and a spork.
no historical epic is complete without one scene where somebody kicks the shit out of the french.
Or a decent rape scene.
....with a french chick
Or atleast they can have Lincoln rape Degaulle
who is shawn michaels?
A wrestler, my love kitten.
Thomas Jefferson maybe?
Who's Abe Lincoln?
i beleive this is the HBO project that Speilberg has going.
If it's an HBO special, maybe adebisi can travel back in time and rape lincoln.
i dont watch wrestling.
Men of your superior intellect usually do not, ARPI.
Hard to decide when Spielberg "jumped the shark". I mean, this is the guy who created Jaws and executive produced and co-wrote Poltergeist! Yet completely pussified Chrichton's novel Jurasic Park. And, yes, Schindler's list was a great film, but could have been so much more shocking and disturbing. I think that was his last hurrah.

Spielberg has just become an overly sentimental pussy.

And Spielberg's big TV project is "Taken" for the sci-fi channel all about alien abduction. Just hope it's not a really long rehash of "Close Encounters".
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Amistad (1997)
Schindler's List (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Color Purple, The (1985)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Poltergeist (1982) (uncredited)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1941 (1979)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Jaws (1975)

"Band of Brothers" (2001) (mini) TV Series (executive producer)
Men in Black (1997) (executive producer)
Twister (1996) (executive producer)
"Pinky and the Brain" (1995) TV Series (executive producer)
"ER" (1994) TV Series (executive producer: 1994)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) (executive producer)
Back to the Future (1985) (executive producer)
Goonies, The (1985) (executive producer)
Gremlins (1984) (executive producer)

Jumped the shark my ass.
OK, movie buff. What the fuck does executive producer mean?

I mean, you got the director who tells the actors what to do.
You got the cinematographer who figures out what cameras and lenses to use.
You got the lighting director who figures out how to light the set.
You got the special effects editor, the regular editor, the dialogue editor...
And usually a couple of assitants for everybody and at least one regular producer.

So what the fuck is an executive producer doing beside looking important and rubber stamping his name on a picture?

Never saw Amistad, so I can't judge.
Jurasic Park was pure eye candy, but Chrichton's novel was fillet mignon compared to Spielbergs McD's serving.
Private Ryan was the opening fifteen minutes and three scenes further in.

So, from your list, the guy's really been slacking since 1990.
Did I mention he is Jewish as well?

You point is moot.
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