Full Version: xXx, anyone seen it yet?
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Quote:say what you want about him everyone vin diesel is the most sexy man in the whole world
I thought that title was reserved for av8er eh?
i view a good action film as a balanced film...which are examples of when the action and effects are merely to push the story...not to be unto itself. Most action movies, I don't particularly like b/c of this disposition of mine. That aside, movies like T2, Terminator, True Lies, Die Hard, 13th Warrior, Aliens, French Connection, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lethal Weapon series, Predator, Speed, Starship Troopers, Underseige, The Fugitrive, Quick and the Dead & The Road Warrior are great ones that come to mind.
Quote:I thought that title was reserved for av8er eh?
i never ever ever said he was sexy
I're still holding out for Mayv8er right?
Quote:Be careful, if VG hears you, she'll give you the meatballs again

stupid lisping bastard=
[Image: meatballs2.jpg]
Shut up and get back to my cock in the pit!!!
don't you fucking yell at me you dickfuck!
Sorry... :bow:


<font size="-6" color="white">VIN DIESEL IS GOD, I AM JUST TRYING TO GET SOME PUSSY
say he's a meatball...and all will be forgiven....go on....say it.
Guessing you didn't highlight my whole post, lol :burnfucker:
Meatballs is one of the most unheralded comedies ever. So calling him a meatball wouldn't be so great an insult. How about calling him a half-a-nig?

welp, just for that you ain't gettin nothin from this grrl's kitty.
Like I stood a chance anyway, you played with me heart for too long.. :poke:

i still :loveya: my kitten though...
You want Kazaa Lite. Kazaa is swarming with spyware that slows down your PC. By downloading Kazaa you have done the internet equivalent of fucking a monkey infected with the AIDS virus. Reformat and download Kazaa Lite. Your computer is FUBAR.
Saw xXx tonight. Good times, good popcorn flick.

Az Argento is yummy. She looks like a euro version of Racahel Leigh Cook.
It's out on the net now but don't expect to be able to vin diesel's left nut from his face with the quality of the ones out so far.
AM IM me when u find a good quality, im gonna watch it here and then watch it in the movies, i need to see vin larger than life, ohhhhh yeah
geek fact: vin diesel is a d&d fan.
Pfft, download your own illegal movies.
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