Full Version: Jilted - and kicked to the curb....
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Keyser, shouldn't you be doing that thing that makes you so valuable to the board.....
you know that thing........

what was it again?
Quote:better to be a huge ass than to have a huge ass

Or you can just be a Cranky Ass that loves a Laugh Riot....
Quote:Or you can just be a Cranky Ass that loves a Laugh Riot....


Johnny, tell the master of the creative pages what he's won!!

Quote:Keyser, shouldn't you be doing that thing that makes you so valuable to the board.....
you know that thing........

But you're doing such a better job, I can't possibly compare.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Aug. 05 2002 at 2:09
Is there supposed to be humor in there? or just your great wisdom? Still trying to figure it out.... :fuckoff:
That's right,
now I remember, you comment on what everyone else does, while producing nothing of your own.
You're right Ken, i've done nothing. Why don't you ask Sean and Eddie, i'm sure they can enlighten you.
dude, lighten up.
Quote:That's right,
now I remember, you comment on what everyone else does, while producing nothing of your own.

Well, some of us are leaders...others...well....
I'm feeling easy like sunday morning. I'm just wondering why you are still here.
and some followuat. :-D
Quote:and some followuat.

I am here,
because my public demands it.
Quote:Why don't you ask Sean and Eddie, i'm sure they can enlighten you.

Sounds like a line from a mobster movie... :-)

Edited By Kim on Aug. 05 2002 at 2:34
Quote:I am here,
because my public demands it.

Don't explain yourself to that do-nothing fossil. You're the New Breed. Part of the New Order. He and his kind are to be vanquished inevitably.
Quote:I am here,
because my public demands it.

Have you read the polls lately? Your approval rating is nearing Nixon-esqe levels.
Quote:Have you read the polls lately? Your approval rating is nearing Nixon-esqe levels.

Yet another gut buster....
ok I will become another high approval drone who posts

HI Keyser :lookatme:

woo hoo look at the quality of my posts soar.
Quote:woo hoo look at the quality of my posts soar.
That was the best post you've done all day.
i barcode scanned Maymay and it told me that he's on sale for $1.99
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