Full Version: Bizarre Phobias. - What are you afraid of....
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I'm afraid of public bathrooms and like payphones.

And snakes and bugs.
I'm afraid of being stabbed or cut in my sleep. Or tortured to death.

I've had the fear of climbing up over a railing and jumping off the building & then changeing my mind.

I think I might be closterphobic too. And I don't like strange people standing close to me, or crowds.
I'm afraid of being killed while I'm on the toilet.
i have this fear of an alien head just appearing out of no where in my window. like at night, if i have to open a curtain or pull up a window shade, i'll get creeped out. i got that from watching to much unsolved mysteries.

Edited By HedCold on Aug. 05 2002 at 6:49
I have a fear of eggplant threads.

shit, we tainted this thread with old gimmicks.
I also realized I'm afraid of going down stairs. I think that the step will be farther or closer than I expect, and then I'll fall. I get frozen for a second sometimes, forgeting how to walk.
Steep down escalators scare me. I'm always afraid someone will push me, or I'll lose my balance. Also, stairs without backs...
ooooh that reminds me of one. I don't like people behind me if I can't see them. At restaurants, I have to sit by the wall side of the table.
I am afraid of bats.
Oh yeah...bats, birds, snakes. Fish weird me out somewhat too.
LZ has a fear of Generic Brands........
one day I will trick him into drinking a Shasta Soda....or a Pathmark brand...
it will be great.
Quote:i got that from watching to much unsolved mysteries.
Dude, I'm with you on that one.
that really is one of the scariest shows. i think most of my stupid little fears are because of it
I've got so many.
I'm not claustrophobic, but if I am somewhere that everyone is too close to me, I bug out.
I am afraid of people being behind me, I have to sit against the wall, like ladi. I'm afraid of the dark.
Sleeping without being covered by at least a sheet.
I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something, which actually started my long bout with insomnia.
I'm afraid of being unsuccessful.
I'm afraid of spending the rest of my life alone.
I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them right now.
I'm afraid of being underground.
I always have to sit by the emergency exit on the bus.
I can't sit at a table if everything is all like around me, like I can't have a bottle of soda on one side of me and salad dressing on another or I feel like the walls are closing in on me.
I'm terrified of needles and blood.
What if it's ketchup? Is it the salad dressing itself, or the placement?
LOL its the placement, not what's in the bottle...I'm not that nuts...

Oh, and I'm also terrified of heights, when I go to Yankee games and sit in the nosebleeds I refuse to move till we have to leave, no matter what.
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