Full Version: OK maynard you wanted some?
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HEY! Gonzo, what about me?
Why do I even bother replying to Buttmunch, he never replies back.

Fuckin tease.
Gonz you are a giant ear away from disgusting me.
What did I do now?

I never said I knocked you up.
If you did,
you'd end up believing yourself.....sucka!
that hurt.. :angry:
how would you describe that look,
part wigger, part Auschwitz, The eyebrows are all San Fransisco, Geoge Michaels facial hair.......
You've hurt me ken, I have had to stoop to my lowest point in the pit, now.
while you all laugh and make jokes, my maymay wont talk to me due to this incident. :-(
It's all your fault Arpi,
you wounded him.
i miss him [Image: cwm14.gif]
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