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Group: Members
Posts: 2287

Joined: Jan. 2002 Posted: Aug. 06 2002,9:51


Edited by LZMF1 on --

Do you know it took longer for LZ to fuck the game up than I predicted?
wokka wokka! ken
Do you realize that question threads usually contain questions?

Has thread killer done this on in?
What was the point of threads like this?

Why is a picture of Lent featured here?

Why are there so many in-jokes?
Anybody wanna be a godfather?
Can I play in the game threads?
Alkey did you knock up Ants now?
Wanna smell my cock to find out?
how many languages shall I say no in?
Why is yes different in every language, but no is the same in so many?
Why are you a putz in all of them?
Don't you know metal is just an angry man?
Shall I thank you for noticing, or just kick you when you turn around?
Don't you know if you kick me in my balls Gonzo will cry?

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 06 2002 at 12:09
Did I actually say where I'd kick you?
Do you have any idea how much I despise teh double post?

Edited By Metalfan on Aug. 06 2002 at 1:25
Pages: 1 2 3