Full Version: Marriage Counseling..... - doors open...Arpi....Maynard???
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What's the problem fellas,
maybe we could work things out.

Who wants to share first.
he is unresponsive to my needs. he is prone to violent mood swings and then refuses to own up to them. he acts like nothing happened and it was all a big joke. then he belittles me in front of his friends by saying that it was all my fault. i am a person and i deserve some respect. i love him but his love so very damaging to my self esteem.

Edited By Arpikarhu on Aug. 06 2002 at 4:41

Anyway Arpi, you seem to profess yourself to be an innocent in this matter, could you have done anything to make his moods shift?
CounSeling, with an S!! Fucking christ.
not that i can recall. he now says he acted that way because i do it to him. this is patently untrue.
Sleeper.... please,
We are trying to save a relationship here.
there will be time for proof reading later.
Apri, It is often easier to see faults in others than those that lie within ourselves. Is it not possible this is behavior that you exhibit as well?
IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Typical state of denial. Rolleyes
I understand Apri,
we are not here to place blame.
I will say that your being here is a big step,
I just hope Maynard comes in before the session is over.
Hello Maynard,
have a seat,

Maynard knowing Apri's dependence and reliance on you, why have you been emotionally abusive to him...

some jokes aren't funny.....(NOBODY FUCKING JUMP ON THAT LINE)
yeah maynerd, why?
I don't think we understood that question Arpi.
I make jokes at Arpi's expense because that's the only thing he reacts to anymore. He doesn't sit and talk to me anymore. He's just concerned with himself now. He doesn't ask me how my day was anymore. He doesn't massage my shoulders. I just can't deal with someone like this. I have so much love to give, but I'm just going to have to keep it all to myself if I can't get any in return.
So you will accept any reaction as long as he reacts?
Of course I will. But his reaction is to make something up. Instead of facing the facts that I was joking with him.
he is in denial!! he was not joking and uses that as a defense reaction when i call him on his abyssmal behavior
What was this "joke"?
my wife and i don't need any.

thanks for the offer.
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