Full Version: Gmt and other auto-install spam - Gain, precision time, etc....
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I have been running into this problem.

I will go to a website referred to by google and before I know it, I have GAIN (folder GMT) and Precision Time INSTALLED AND RUNNING on my computer without me having to hit anything. There is another one, some daytime manager program.

This can't be legal? A website installing more that just cookies when a visitor hits the site?
Well do you think our government would honestly do something about it? I know some countries, I think sweden for example though I may be wrong sign you up for an anti-spam list. And if anyone int heir jurisdiction spams you, they get fined.
So how does one find out which of these files files that are running on my computer are useless programs background programs
found: 86 files.

Thanks. This should speed things up a bit.
NOW I think I understand why Crypty is pissed.