Full Version: The worst poster!!!!!!!! - According to tards
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Yeah well i guess the same way i can go up to the pit and instantly defile any thread is kinda the same when a thread down here gets ravaged by pit people.

Quote:These people are too stupid to even put up a poll.
And as for being stupid. I wont argue that. But the first thing i mentioned when i started this thread was IM NOT MAKING IT A POLL ON PURPOSE. I guess where that rusty ice pick went through your melon of a head while you were still in the ole baby bunker has a leak.
Just for is the entire first post of the thread explaining its not a poll. to make it super easy ill even put the sentence of relevance in BOLD........

Since this stupid little subject got so much attention up top. lets see how the TARDS think.

Im not even going to list options to make it fair. I kinda know where this is going to head.
Quote:These people are too stupid to even put up a poll.

ole baby bunker. Wow. priceless. Almost as good as meatflaps. I praise Sean every day for creating a leper colony for you people so as not to pollute the rest of the board.
now if we can only create a forum for ken and maynard
Not to worry. I can very easily have some of my minions hop on up to the pit but I'm not into torturing my own. You can have the pit and your fun little games and cumbaya singing.
please do something about the games and singing. i can't stand it either. perhaps we can form an alliance.
lol....that is something the forces of god cant break up. only thing you can do is ignore it like i do and disburst FILTH.
Quote:I praise Sean every day for creating a leper colony for you people so as not to pollute the rest of the board.

Well if us lepers are so polluted, why do you keep coming back to our end of the severely mutated gene pool?? TSB's like the garbage dumpster behind the abortion clinic...ya know what's inside....yet still there's that little part of ya that says "Just let me take a peek"! LOL!
you are an emotionally stunted idiot
you tell him buddy!
Quote:you are an emotionally stunted idiot

Takes one to know one!! nayhh nayhh!!! :-p :moonie: :fart:
Quote:you are an emotionally stunted idiot

Coming from an unfunny douchebag who's got Anime and teddy bears in his sig pic.....i take that as a compliment!!
Quote:you'd be more hospitable? When in Rome...
It's a start
:poke: :lol: :thumbs-up: :rofl: :toast:
I agree with the Tards. The Pit suck. I will now volunteer my leadership to this forum.
Yep...once again....the Fag Army came in and laid the ground work then the Coward comes in to bring up the rear!! DIG the big man....lets his pals do the dirty work like before then he pops in to strut his pretty pink faggot!!
Quote:I will now volunteer my leadership to this forum.

Not in this lifetime! :fuckoff:
I come in peace. You know what they say: The better the poop the greener the field. I promise you that my poop humor is rich in nutrients. Together and under my strict and firm guidance we shall refertilize the board. Just look what I've accomplished in less than 24 hours. Ken...gone. Arpi...gone. You'd be a fool not elect me your supreme poop leader.
Quote:Yay! I can win this one!!!:bouncer:
not so fast my evil twin. i haven't been posting because of my transition back into civilization.

Edited By LZMF1 on Aug. 16 2002 at 12:02
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