Full Version: Who is the mystery board member in the pic? - Guess who it is!
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[Image: db_fst06.jpg]
Ooh... Ooh.. is it Mr red x?
Hmmm...sems Mr. "X" has appeared once again!!
yeah that little bastard got me again. oh well it will just make guessing that much harder
No, No!

It's Mrs. Red X in the library with the candlestick!
red x is trying to take over the WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD
snukums hold me!!!!!!!!!!
Worst. Game. Ever.
Quote:Worst. Game. Ever.

I saw the pic and all I can say is Snuka you best be ready for the botox....I got some spoiled Chef BoyArdee ready to inject into that forehead of yours.
Damn snuka!! you didn't tell me it was poker night at howies mom's house! :fuckoff: :rofl: