Full Version: 11!!!tuls a s'neps'nek - How long can he hold out?
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Inquiring minds and I want to know...
How long will it be before Ken gives up his Gonzo man love, hunts me down, breaks into my house, and whiffle ball bats me?
where's the who cares option?
It's three in the morning. I'm not EXPECTING anyone to CARE, deek... :fuckoff: This is all a feeble attempt to pad posts, of course. And are you going to vote, or not? Undecided

Edited By Katya_ann on Aug. 10 2002 at 1:03
Quote:And are you going to vote, or not?
Quote:where's the who cares option?
if you were ever logged on during normal hours.....
batter up!
where's the never because i'll have him tied up in my basement to protect him from the likes of you option?
Hey you said you were tying me up because you were going to ride me like a carousel horse......
no fair!!!
well, we could do that too ;-)
I just hope something happens soon,
I am feeling kinda silly just lying here naked....
20 bucks says he harpoons you, he's a sick freak.
Quote:where's the who cares option?
Honestly, I was actually hoping that with only 9 replies I might be the first one to ask. :-( Let's keep informal score: 2 for "who cares"
Make it three for, who cares?
Since there is isn't a Never option.... 4 for Who Cares :thumbs-up:
i already voted for the never option, you may join me and make it two :thumbs-up: