Full Version: NWO and a storyline prediction - No real proof. Just a midget's theory
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I'm not sure if this was said and I am too lazy to check. The only reason that Goldberg is not in the WWF is because his contract is not done yet. He's a greedy bastard and wants to get all of the money he can. Sorry if this was already said.
Scott Hall was one of the best wrestlers in the industry, are you fuckin high? He and HBK had one of the greatest matches that I ever saw at WM, the very first ladder match. Yes since then he's become a coked out skank whose only saving grace is his friendship with Nash, HHH, & HBK. Kevin Nash is also a very good wrestler and his mic skills also make him a complete package.

Hogan....... the man owns the mic nuff said, when you're that good you don't need wrestling skills, just as The Rock.
Quote:He and HBK had one of the greatest matches that I ever saw at WM, the very first ladder match
i was at that wrestlemania. :moonie:

Edited By HyBriD on Feb. 09 2002 at 12:01
to follow up on something said earlier...

I read on friday that Steiner passed his physical with flying colors, and is now able to negotiate more fully with the wwf, as his health is no longer a problem for them...of course, he still has that ppv for the wwa to do later this month...hmm, just in time for wrestlemania...what a funny thing that is
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