Full Version: Who is the hottest of the friends.... - Galt is wrong
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Quote:Got to love the chick who was in a Spingsteen video

Doc = Froy????? :clueless:
Quote:Doc = Froy?????

Does my status say horse fucker...I think not.

I pray you develop an inoperable growth on your head in the shape of a derby.
Jack what is that in your sig, and why does it have an extra foot?
Here.. Read this... This will explain everything. I thought it looked cool. I couldn't tell ya what he is other than an alien.
Its name is Toejam and he is from Funkotron.

Edited By Baker on Aug. 12 2002 at 12:31
Interesting looking, to be sure. But I can't look it in the eyes. It feels like it is staring thru me & if it blinked I'd freak out. :thumbs-up:
Jennifer Aniston cause she fucks Brad Pitt, she is hot by proxy of insertion.

Courtney Cox fucks David Arquette whose only claim to fame is being the former WCW champion.

Lisa Kudrow looks like a young version of Bea Arthur.

Definetly Aniston.
bj took my answer, but i answered aniston. even though i am insanely jealous, brad's too good for her
kudrow's nose is fucked up looking, courtney cox is ok, but aniston is the best of the three.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick any of 'em out of bed for eating crackers.
kudrow, cause the other 2 are too thin for my taste
Quote:Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick any of 'em out of bed for eating crackers.

Was that a racial statement?
No, then it would be "for being crackers"
i don't find kudrow very attractive. aniston is best of that bunch.
This poll is flawed and does not prove me wrong.
where is the flaw in the poll Galt?

I feel shame now.
The pet dog. All of them are annoying.
Aniston is the hottest there is no other way around it, it's not even an opinon anymore. This is a clear cut fact, aniston towers above th other 2.
Quote:Horse fucker

Hey, look what I walked in to

Fuck :fuckoff:
Quote:This poll is flawed and does not prove me wrong.
I actually BOW to you Galt, you were right,
Me being a MOD = Courteney Cox
Me stepping down = Jennifer Aniston (or will by daybreak)

thus then your logic was perfect.....
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