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I'm taking my son to see the Thunder on the Beach Monster Truck show in Wildwood in September. Has anyone ever been? They have tickets for three different times (Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Saturday night), but I can't find any info as to what they do at each day/time. I don't really want to buy tickets for all three times.

If anyone has ever gone to such a thing, I'd appreciate knowing if it's the same show each time, or if they have different events and, if so, which is the best time to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I bet it's all the same show, why would they do different ones. And I bet the people at the ticket office whould be the best ones to ask...
When they have the classic car shows, they have different events at different times. I checked the website and there was no other information. Sure, I could wait til I get to the ticket booth, but the tickets are cheaper in advance.
Right, when you call, see if they know. Or check the website for some kinda information number. I bet they have people asking things all the time. Like can you bring stuff in, water cameras, is it loud, how loud, etc.
I suspect the night shows are better because the firebreathing, car eating robotic dragon would look cooler at night. And so would any fireworks or pyrotechnics.