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Quote:Ants you used to follow me around, tell me the truth... is alkey beating you?
Only when I deserve it.

I've been a bad bad girl.
Battered wife syndrome is a painful sight.... ants you don't have to put up with it.

I would never hurt you, I am a nice guy.... what? That line works for you.
Geez, even Ants gets beat? What does it take????
Ants only gets beat cause GOD wanted it that way.
Oh, so that's what the problem is? I don't belive in god, therefore I don't get beat? Well fuck, that's reason enough to believe.

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on Aug. 12 2002 at 3:26
so, what's going on in this thread? can someone sum it up?
Gonzo is making a plea for Rape's balloon knot.
:loveya: awww, that's so romantic :loveya:
simply put GW my pal. They say they didn't stop posting cause one or the other left, yet they all started posting together and only in eachothers threads when I got one of them trapped.

After that alkey, ants, and I stayed up till 7a.m writing abortion songs and froy parodies to every eminem tune we could think of. Sleeper sat in the corner and dozed off.

Edited By GonzoStyle on Aug. 12 2002 at 2:20
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