Full Version: Nicholas cage marries lisa marie presley
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Pages: 1 2
There isn't anything gay about're just jealous... :bouncer:
Jealous? More like sorry for him.
Ok....Ok....I know you both want to touch my package but fighting isn't gonna get it done.
Awwwwww isn't that special [Image: piss.gif]
Pat, you're not half the man you used to be. We're gonna have to rehab you, she's ruined you.... Damn DIRTY APE, WHY, WHY, WHY!!!!!!!!!! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN PAT COOPER, LORD WHY!!!!!
If that ain't a crock of shit! Confuseduicide:
You've whipped him like a worthless nigger.
Quote:Pat, you're not half the man you used to be. We're gonna have to rehab you, she's ruined you....

My name's not Arpi. :rofl:
You want Gonzo Babe?

Edited By Kim on Aug. 17 2002 at 5:38
see, he's laughing at his own jokes now....

what have you done with the old pat?
endless nights of sex... :fucking:
I don't want your sloppy seconds, I'd rather have froys than yours.
Quote:I don't want your sloppy seconds, I'd rather have froys than yours.

Everything is sloppy after froy.
Quote:You want Gonzo Babe?

Not unless he calls himself Ken
Quote:Not unless he calls himself Ken

You want me to PM and ridicule her? Shit, no problem.
Greatttttttttttttt Rolleyes
Rolleyes how very berry of you.
are you going to say that everytime someone uses --> Rolleyes ?
te cyka
Pages: 1 2