Full Version: Greatest song intros evar!!!! - The list to end all lists!
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there's been quite a few choice ones listed thus far.... but i'd like to add to the mix...

Three Days - Janes Addiction
Sympathy for the Devil - Rolling Stones
When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin
Rusty Cage - Soundgarden
Lost Art of Keeping a Secret- QOTSA
Fistful of Steel - RATM
Raining Blood - Slayer
Hey Ladies - Beastie Boys
I Against I - Bad Brains (it actually has like a minute long intro, called "Intro")
Spacegrass - Clutch
Dope Hat - Marilyn Manson
Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Train Train - Blackfoot
Walk All Over You - AC/DC
Detroit Rock City - Kiss

Damn.... i could go on forever with these.... i'll think of some more later...
Slayer- south of heaven( thanks Moron, I was stuck until I saw that)
Megadeth- Set the world on fire, 502
Billy joel- The downeaster Alexa ( Hey, fuck off, I love that accordian part)
Pantera- cowboys from Hell
Iron Butterfly - Inna Gadda Da Vida
Pantera - Walk

Nas - Hate Me Now

Metallica - Nothing Else Matters

Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge

Rage Against The Machine - Renegades

Radiohead - Exit Music

Beatles - Helter Skelter, Sgt Peppers

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

Tupac - I ain't mad at ya

Dre - Still D.R.E
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