Full Version: Best flavor of jello
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It must be LIME right
Do you wake up in the morning committed to being an idiot or does this come naturally to you?

Orange with pineapple chunks.
hi OAS, god bless you.
Kiwi-Lime with whipped cream.
:loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
I'm not really a fan of jello, but, if I had to eat it it would be strawberry.
Strawberry jello with bananna slices in it.
i hate jello. ground-up animal bones ain't my bag, baby.

Edited By Gooch on Aug. 13 2002 at 11:53
But it has to be the jello made with sugar
Not that Nutra sweet shit
blue :bouncer:
green and vodka flavour.
crx.....body shot?
your body or mine?
mmmmmm yours,
take off your shirt so it won't get wet...
hopefully it's too late for your panties.
what panties?
mmmm, now I know where the shot is going.
Hey OAS....oops sorry, it was Ken....nevermind
the red kind
Jello is from the hides, not the bones.

Jello made from 1 cup hot, 1/2 cup cold 1/2 everclear. (full cup everclear will not congeal. 1/2 barely does. Will completely evaporate in a week).

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