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i ate dinner with danny aiello. well, he was sitting very close behind me...that counts right?

Quote:I've met Opie and Anthony, who wants to touch me?

that's nothing...i w.o.w-ed earl for a wow sticker at a sticker stop, who wants to touch me?
hmmmm.... let's see. i used to be really into wrestling, so i've met a few of those guys. stone cold, al snow, iron sheik, chris candido, spike dudley. and more, i just dont feel like listing.

music i've met the drummer and bass player from thursday(they were just walking around at the warped tour) the guitar player from the movie life, and i shook the guitar players hand from ANDREW WK OMFG OMFG who was really cool. i also gave mr. wk himself a good pat on the back.

oh yea, and mr.t
My crowning achievment- Me and my friend are out at some real fancy, expensive restaurant In the city, I think on 57th and the west side highway, trying to impress our girlfiends last year. We go to the bathroom, and In walks Joe Torre. My friend goes to shake his hand, and Joe says " Dont you think you should wash your hands first?" He was pretty cool. We bullshitted about whether or not Bernie williams would be playing after his dad had died.
Also, when I was in the Navy, I was In the seabees. Basically, the Navy's construction company. I was In San Diego, and there was going to be a concert on the base featuring Sugar Ray, the Goo goo dolls, and fastball. We got to build the stage, got backstage passes and got to hang out In the VIP section, drinking free beer and eating great food all night. The guys In the bands were really cool, except for fastball,who were apparently bitter that their 15 minutes of fame were up.
and i talked to jim leyritz during a yankee game like 5 years ago. it was out near the bullpen, he was just chilling there.
i played foosball against eric clapton at bear bar. i won and he bought me a drink.
I call bullshit on Arpi.
Quote:i played foosball against eric clapton at bear bar. i won and he bought me a drink.
if you made a joke about his kid dying you are my hero times a million.
its true. he was playing the beacon that night and bear bar is right down the block. the sad thing was that i didnt know it was him until right before he left.
I've met Jani Lane from warrant, brother joe and anthony, slash, bubba ray duddley, black earl, opie, dexter from the offspring, all of sevendust, the retarted laverne and sheirly(dear God they are annoying)
Aaaah, I dont buy It. I mean, c'mon. Slow hand, playing foosball? Whats next, Springsteen at the Baskin robbins?
well, all i can say is that it was true.
Well, why didn't you say so before? ;-)
ACDC came into my store one night. Just after I left. My manager helped them find 4 new laptops and talked them into buying service plans on all of them. Before he rung them up at the register he told them that if they would give him 2 tickets to the show he would discount the laptops. He got his tickets and ACDC returned all 4 laptops, service and all, at the next CompUSA. They told the sales people there that they only bought them to get my manager to leave them alone.
I met Christian Slater, Chris Rock, Dave Spade, Mike Myers, Chris Farley, and Phil Hartman at a SNL afterparty. I've met Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Sandborn, Bruce Springsteen, Max Weinberg through a friend. I met Michael "Wheels" Parise at the 18th avenue feast and again met him and then was introduced to Dice at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles. While on the trip I hung out with Pauly Shore. I met one of the Nets, can't remember which one, on my trip to Vegas this memorial day as well as Jamie Foxx. I met Kyle McLaughlin at a Caberet show. I met Keith Oberman and Mike Lupica at a Mets game. I shook Rudy's hand on the way to the luxury box elevator at Yankees stadium. I met most of the people on the O&A show by working for Foundry at the Celebrity Softball game. I met Norton backstage at his Count Basie show this past weekend. I'm sure there have been others but those come to mind off the top of my head.
Quote:(dear God they are annoying)

This coming from the same dude who quotes the fuckin OA like he was a damned tape recorder.

Ive met: Mongloid Ewing, Rik Smitts, Reggie Miller, Adam Graves, Gwen Stefani, James hetfield, Joey Kramer, Steven Tyler, Vince Niel, Lawerence Taylor, Spike Lee, Anthrax, Testament, Megedeth, Skid Row, Doug Lidster
i was looking for a house up near rhinebeck in dutchess county. i couldn't find it, i saw this guy up on his porch so i decided to ask him for directions. as soon as i started talking to him, i knew he was somewhat famous but i couldn't remember who the Hell it was. i didn't want to ask him who the Hell he was so i just left. as i was leaving, i took down his address and plate numbers so i could have the girls in the office get me the guys name, but the name still didn't sound familiar. i finally figured it out 4 days later while watching a seinfeld repeat. i met the guy that played seinfelds father. he was a very nice fella.
sat next to lou reed and talked to him during intermission at the Hairspray opening last night. JOY! :loveya:
How was Hairspray, Apri? I can't wait to see it!
Quote:sat next to lou reed and talked to him
did you ask him to take a walk on the wild side?
and did he tell you to fuck off?
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