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This thread needs me.
Quote:This thread needs me.
Don't get greedy.

You can't fuck Silera and Gonzo.

It's just not fair to the others.
:lookatme: hi CT
:fuggin: hi Hugh

Edited By Hey Ladi on Aug. 16 2002 at 1:47
Am i always the last to hear thingz? Must be on that pay no mind list. :fuckoff:
I try to ignore you and Skitch as often as possible.
Have my prayers been answered?
Hallelujah!! Praise the god of beer! His prayers have been answered! ::buuurrrrpp:: :toast: Raise your glasses and toast!
GW, what's your secret? Please oh please tell me the secret of how to be pen free?
[quote]Please oh please tell me the secret of how to be pen free? /quote]

just stop mentioning me with your every breath....
that is a good start......

I think I know how Jodie Foster felt...
someone, quick call Julian.
Quit beeing so fucking full of yourself. I was talking about a writing utensil. Notice it wasn't capatalized. And quit stalking my every post.
[method man]HEY YOU, GET OFF MY CLOUD!!!!![/method man]

Take your petty quarells elsewhere, this is about me.

Where's my bitches at?
Hey Gonz, it's the weekend...
think you'll win place or show?
Sorry ken, did you strike out with her to? Maybe you should stick with easier prey, like shellebink.
Quote:[method man]HEY YOU, GET OFF MY CLOUD!!!!![/method man]
strange...i seem to think of somebody else for that quote who sang it while meth was listening to hammer
Meth never listened to hammer, that's the opening line to 'M.e.t.h.o.d Man", Never diss god like that.
Quote:Never diss god like that.
Hecold knows, what the real shit is about nigga. You fuck around and get got, through the 36 chambers of death, kid.
meth will tie you to a fuckin bedpost with your ass cheeks spread and get a fuckin clothes hanger and put it on the stove for a 1/2 hour then take it off and stick it up your ass and it'll be like tsssssssssssssssssssssssss. :rofl:
Method will fuckin, he'll fuckin sew your Asshole close and keep feeding you and feeding you and feeding you.
Quote:How long do I gotta hear about the fuckin eggplants? It's such a fuckin TOG already

I know the feeling.
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