Full Version: Lead singer of drowning pool found dead - 1972-2002
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Dave Williams, lead singer of Drowning Pool, was found dead a few hours ago, on his tour bus in Virginia. He was 30 years old.
It always pissed me off when someone dies so young. I actually have pictures of me and him doing shots of jagermeister at the Birch Hill last April when i saw them in concert. He came up to the bar area after the show and bought the people by the bar a shot. He seemed like a pretty cool guy.
Fuck him. The only thing that bothers me about shit like this is that these people had something going and pissed it away, while the rest of us toil away in our quasi-meaningful lives.
on mtv2 news they just had a little interview of him talking about their next album, and it had nothing to do with this. weird.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>whoo hoo!</span> this supposed to be bad news?
that bodies hit the floor song was really really lame
Drowningman would be so happy right now if they didn't break up.
did you forget we had a music forum?

Keyser did.
I would hardly call Drowning Pool music.
Yeah it's no emo.
I actually wasn't into Drowning Pool until I saw them at Ozzfest. It's a Damn shame.
I like there last album
tear awy is a good song
fuck all you ingrates

and I guess Keyser is selling a million albums already Confusedneak:
if i sold 1 album in 20 years, that song would still suck

gonzo, are you kidding this is such huge, important news that its pitworthy!!!!! ;-)
keyser, I realize that song wasn't all that but it got their name out there
so it worked for them
You don't even like the Tear Away song?
To each his own
i never said anything about the rest of the album, truth be told, i havent heard it. it might actually be good, all i said was that bodies song blew.
yeah that is a cool song, i actually heard it before but wasnt aware it was Drowning Pool.
that song is worse than Bodies.
wouldn't it be fitting that he drowned in a pool of his own drug induced vomit? has the cause of death been revealed yet?
Autopsy results won't be avaiable for a few days
No doubt it was an OD

Sleeper stinx
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