Full Version: Ms paint your..... - In an effort to get ken popular again
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you have a black person nose :lol:
hedcold, stop mocking and get drawing

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Aug. 16 2002 at 3:05
have you seen my mspaint skills?
have you seen mine?
hehe yea :lol:
your point has been mooted. now paint, bitch. paint
you [fbd...] really thought this post was going to be an mspaint of myself didn't you?
i did. but i guess you'll wait for a few more paints to mock
i actually made one [Image: selfimage.jpg]
my eyes really aren't different sizes, my head really isn't that big, my eyebrows aren't like that, i actually have a top to my head, i don't really look like a simpson character, my jeans and tshirts aren't that tight, my hands aren't weird like that, i don't have elf ears, and i suck at ms paint.

i miss anything?'re black?
no, i just felt like using those colors
if i was black i would have made it like this:
rated r for nudity

Edited By HedCold on Aug. 16 2002 at 5:05
Ok i this better?
[Image: me2.jpg]
Sure is Flock of Seagulls. You don't look black anymore.
If I post,
Gooch will only paint the Chapel ceiling again
Why are your feet pointing backwards Baker?
Pages: 1 2