Full Version: Ok i need to get this off my chest - I'm serious
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thank you for your concern Keyser. I just got back to the hospital, sorry I left you all hanging. Anyways, what I wanted to say was that I'm really a je.....AHHHHH!!! MY DICK JUST FELL OFF!! THE HORROR!!
jew? jelly fish? jedi? (just sensed dent blowing a load at the thought)
Quote:he will call upon his friendship with satan to help him through this crisis
Now that's some funny motherfuckin shit!
JERKOFF! He pulled so hard, he broke it!
I'm really a jennifer love-hewitt fan. I'm sorry that I've indicated otherwise all these years. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Oh yea one other thing...I was born with a s....nevermind.
single vestigial(sp?) tail?
I said nevermind.
silver spoon in yer mouth?
seribal palsy?..........Oh wait, I spelled that wrong. Damn. I'll try again later after Vanna sells some vowels.
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