Full Version: Hi buttmunch!!!11
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Hey BM how is everything going?
Tequila it's no use, the mans a snob. He's the snobiest, snob of all snobs!!!
He said hello to me once when I saw him.

Other then that he don't like me just like everybody else Undecided
He doesn't like himself, how can you win?
Quote:I keep it quiet today....

and HI butmunch was the best you could do........

So, now you see. Having no new threads is better than having a ton of shite new threads. Maybe the irony is not lost on you.
<marquee>TOSS MY SALAD<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'></span></marquee>
How's it goin arseface? :lol:
He still hasn't said hello. WTF?
Quote:Hi K1d.

How's my negro?

The rest of you, by all means, please go about your usual business. - Buttmunch (on pg. 1)
Are you dense, or just blind?
Mr. negro I was talking about me.

So back off bitch
Tequila yearns for anyones acceptance, say hello to him.
Yeah, no.

I think it's pretty obvious that BM went out of his way to NOT say hello to the spic.
But he says hello to niggers, go figure.
If you see a "nigger" around here, you let me know. OK, ricardo?
Thats right you are whiter then I am
Quote:But he says hello to niggers, go figure.

Cause there were no spics in the Lethal Weapon series.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
But there was Leo Geotz!!!!!!!!11

What ever you want Leo Geotz!!
Tequila get you cop series right, buttmunch and k1d are riggs and murtagh.

Tequila and Slackjaw are chico and the man.

End of story, that concludes today's session.
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