Full Version: Cooooool... where'd you get that one?
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I had 4 stitches put into the tip of my finger the night that we first bombed iraq in the gulf war. I was peeling an apple and the cat rubbed my legs as I was going around the apple and scared the shit out of me. The knife ended up going about 1/2 inch into the tip of my finger. Funny thing is, is that i never felt any pain from it what so ever.
I have one scar in my right eyebrow. I got bit by a Doberman Pinscher when I was about 8 or 9 years old.
I have an odd scar in that flap of skin between the index finger and thumb, I was going down a slide with wood rails as a kid and got a sliver of wood that slice through leaving a really small, tiny tiny cut.

Somehow though it pulled a vein out of my hand. cause when I got to the bottom, one of the kittens that lived under the slide was playing with it.

I thought it was a piece of grass or something caught in the cut and started tugging on it......

it has been a wierd and sensative scar for all the years that have followed.
a scar in the middle of my forehead from hitting an open cabinet door when i was younger

a scar on my left hand from melting army men

a huge scar on my left knee from busting my ass around 3rd base
Right forearm - 2nd degree burn from trying to put out a paint thinner fire and having my shirt sleeve catch on fire.

both arms, and both knees - road rash from motorcycle accident

the index finger on my left hand is bent sideways and twisted a bit from being broken but never set or put in a splint to heal.

scar on my right wrist that looks like I tried to kill myself the wrong way. it's actually from falling off the back of a truck and trying to catch myself. didn't bleed much but it's a pretty wicked scar.

the fingerprint on my left index finger has a perminent scar in the middle of it from this time when I was holding a piece of plastic whilst drilling a hole in it. long story short, I drilled into my finger.
Geezuz Kid, Frankenstien has less scars. You're a fucking mess.
Jack it's always a cool way to start a scar story that makes people think you got it in war, when in fact you got it in one of the most pussified ways imaginable.

From now on: just say....."It's a weird story that I don't like to talk about, but long story short, I got it the first night we were bombing Iraq".
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