Full Version: What time are you going to sleep tonight?
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maybe i'll try to fight it then
but then you'll lose this game. man, you've put yourself in quite the dilemma.
this game is too hard.
Took a sleeping pill at 11:07, I figure I'll be asleep by 12:29.
sleeping pill? lucky :-(
Guess I was wrong. I'm still here. I lose again.
Its only Unisom....still buttering up the doc to get the good shit....
pills are cheating, judges say...DISQUALIFIED!!!!
oh, otc meds make me jittery and if i do sleep i wake up every half hour or so. i need valium :crackhead:
haven't you people ever heard the Pink song that goes "You're just like a pill, instead of making me better, you keep making me ill", sheesh.
ok, how about a xanax or 500
i'll go to sleep at like 3-3:30. won't fall asleep till probably 4:15.
poseUr :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I guess in about 20 minutes, night posers!!!!!
6:30 :thumbs-up:
I was already asleep when this contest started. Do I win?
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