Full Version: The new threat? - Al queda chemical weapons
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if they really can do this, then, why hasnt it been done? somebody else had to have had the idea for this, but the only case of it i know of happened in a subway in japan. and also, if you were going to do this, wouldnt you attack first, then show the video? why tell us your plans in advance? if they do anything soon(which i doubt...these things take years of planning, usually, and quite a bit of cash) it will be something completely different that we wouldnt think to prepare for
Quote:why tell us your plans in advance?

To instill fear and cause they know we ain't doing shit.
They didn't show us the video first. The videos were discovered in a safe house in Kabul, left behind when they hauled ass. Don't forget we havent captured but one of al Quiada's top command. One and he was stupid for getting caught in Pakistan. Most of the players that planned 9/11 haven't been caught. We have no idea where they are. They could be pumping gas at your local 7/11, we have no clue. Our countries boarders are pourous. Operatives are comming in and out like there's nothing to it. Remember the guy in Patterson that was being watched by the FBI who made fake ID's for most of the hijackers? He jumped on a plane to Egypt the morning he was to be arrested. They have better intel than we do.
Quote:They have better intel than we do.
:crackhead: I need a hug.
I really don't buy the "It takes years of planning" argument.

I mean, how long did it take a couple of teenagers to pick up a few guns and shoot up a school? I can see it taking a lot of planning if your trying not ot get caught, but these are suicidal attacks!

How much planning does it take to steal explosives from a construction site, then drive immediately to the nearest bridge and set them off? Or get a bunch of guns and walk into a building full of people.
as easy as those are, do you see al queada doing them? a few of them didnt just wake up and jaunt off to flight school as a way to pass the time, they planned taking out the wtc. or the bombing of it years ago. did they find explosives and rent a truck all in one day? did they conveniently have a boat and tnt when they blew up the cole in yemen? they organize the attacks, and that takes time. if somebody just blows up a bridge, it could be a solo psycho, but all that they've done is as a group
Well, that's the point. They're disorganized now. So, what? The individual field operatives have no initiative? They're all slackers until someone who rants the loudest tells them what to do?

With how easy it is to set up an LSD lab in a mobile home, you'd think at least one of them would figure out how to do the same thing for mustard gas.
Quote:They could be pumping gas at your local 7/11

They pump gas at 7-11?
It's a Jersey thing Gonz.

Flbdwhatever, you are right. 9/11 was planned out over time. It looks by everything that has been published since 9/11, it was about 3 years in the planning.

Is that all they planned? All the eggs in one basket? We have proof of chemical, biological and dirty bomb plans. We have proof that they have studied numerous landmarks. We know that there are a shitload of known terrorists nowhere to be found.

Money is the problem for them right now. That wont last forever.
Quote:Our countries boarders are pourous
and yet they might be blocked to me over a stupid little tresspassing issue :disappointed:

i'm a worried person in general, so this doesn't really change things in my eyes. i expect something will happen, i hope the government and military is doing more than it seems, because right now it seems they're not doing much, to prevent it. i try not to let it affect my everyday life, but i am a little concerned about travelling in the city on the 11th...just because even if they haven't actually planned something, there's always the factor of individual crazies to take in to consideration.
Gah Damn, I figured the government would follow it's normal pattern and wait a week to ten days to do this. They're waisting no time at all. Dubya want's his war real bad.

U.S. INTELLIGENCE agencies had reason to suspect that the facility, in a part of northern Iraq not controlled by President Saddam Hussein’s government, was a kind of laboratory for chemical and biological weapons activity that included testing on barnyard animals and at least one man, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
U.S. officials believe the terrorists tested a biological toxin known as ricin, a deadly poison made from the castor bean plant.
The Pentagon has reviewed possibly taking military action because any time there is intelligence about production of weapons of mass destruction all options are considered, including military, a U.S. counterterror official said in Washington.

Stay tunned folks.
Quote:Stay tunned folks.
No. I'm not going to stay tunned. Shit, I'm not even going to stay TUNED.

Why would I let myself get all in caught up in something over which I have no control? Our government is full of a bunch of fucking morons, and they will surely do something stupid in this case. However, because we have the biggest guns, we can get away with it. Eventually, the rest of the world is going to tire of our adolescent antics and stage a revolt. This will undoubtedly remove the US from the seat as world super power.

Humility has its place, and the US has none.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love this country. I just don't love it through blind eyes, is all.
I think there is a sense in irony about all of this.

Terrorist (including the IRA) use drastic and violent measures to cause fear (terror) in the lives of civilians to have their political or other agendas heard.

Thanks you CNN. CNN paid money (I heard 5 digits) to an unnamed source who had access to these videotapes. CNN shows these videotapes and causes fear in Americans. "Hey, this isn't what they have shown that they have the capabilities to do, this is something they might be able to do...... maybe."

If you ask me, CNN has become a tool of the terrorists because 1) they very well have possibly provided funds to a terrorist and 2) they are the source of the fear in America that the terrorists desire.

....Or maybe the Gov't gave the tapes to CNN so that they could wage the perverbial dog.
The government did release these tapes. They were recently de-classified. They were released with a purpose. The Bush administration got a big slap in the face last week when Schwartzkoff and Sowcroft came out publicly against a war with Iraq. This infuriated the administration. Dubya wants his war with Iraq and will do whatever he can to get it.

Kid, you can post my spelling sucks in the TOG thread. I've been killing the King's english longer than you have been speaking it. But hey, it keeps an admin on my payroll to proof read for me.
I thought it was her long legs and her short skirts.
Wag the Dog.

Man, Bush is really itching to go into Iraq, even though we seriously have no reason for it. Even other Republicans are speaking out against him, as well as weapons inspectors that were the last in the country.

Be Very Afraid - Bush Productions is Preparing to Go Into Action

The Case Against War on Iraq
A breaking story coming out of Berlin is saying that a previously unkown Iraqi freedom group has seized the Iraq embassy demanding the liberation of Bagdahd. I like the reference of previously unkown group. I think thier name is C, I and A.
As far as I'm concerned, I feel we just need to back out of other countries business and stop policing the world. We have our own problems here right in our own country that need to be addressed.

Of course that doesn't apply to military action in retaliation to attacks on U.S. soil though. A strong message should be sent that any action against us will be met with strong opposition and retalliation and leave it at that.
Well, well. Dubya is almost as predictable as the sun rising in the east every morning. Next thing we will hear is that satellite imagery has picked up a definitive nuclear signature in some Bagdahd warehouse.

Al Qaeda presence in Iraq reported

Evidence could add to Washington’s rationale for an attack

By Bradley Graham

WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 — At least a handful of ranking members of al Qaeda have taken refuge in Iraq, U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday. Their presence would complicate U.S. efforts against the terrorist network’s leadership but also would give the Bush administration another rationale for possible military action against the Iraqi government.
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