Full Version: Gonzo is the best!!! - For today at least
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Lies :rofl:

You're gonna come for drinks cause you'll be a 10 minute ride from me and you love me.
Yeah, I love you. But if you're just gonna stop at giving Arpi head, then I'm not coming.
You can come too, you always do but you have to clean up your own mess.
But Arpi said I can wear the sombrero!

NOW will you clean up?
Only if you swing a bat from the other side of kens head on the 29th.
Dude....I am soooo there.

We're gonna pop his head like a zit!
jesus am I fighting the whole "Gay Pride Parade"?
Quote:"Gay Pride Parade"


Maynard I'll bring you some batting gloves and clean up your mess.
Hey.... CAN I HAVE MY FUCKING POT LEAVES BACK??? :disappointed:
Keyser sold them for some kit-kats
I got to go sweetie,
I will check you when I get back in,
no more sugar for you if you are going to act like this.
I got keyser's kit-kats, keep your sugar.
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