Full Version: Does anyone? - A serious question
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Does anybody watch porn for 10 minutes before they go to bed then not ejaculate, then proceed to go to sleep and have nice dreams. This way is way easier than tiring out my arms. I'll cum really hard and I don't even use my hands. The best of both worlds.
i wish i could pull out my brain and wash it clean of that image. thanks
10 minutes? It takes you that long to pick up on the plot?
i cant believe you actually posted this
I have 8 porn channels I must flip thru them all so I can have latinos, blacks, and anal in the dream.
I never do it purposely, if I turn on porn and don't spank out a load.

Either I accidently turned on the channel and just watch for a few minutes and then flip over


The scene sucks so bad, I can't get hard and just get bored and doze off.
I'm telling you the ejaculations are 10x stronger this way. A few times it wakes me up it was that good.
you need a girl
The iberian woman comes back Friday. I'll gather up the body bag and the ether for her.
too late, you already entered the friend zone
i only watch porn to get off.
You and Sting should hang out. You could hold each other forever in tantric bliss.

oh god why, god why?
Ever watch porn with your chick and bet to see who can not touch each other the longest? Enjoy losing?
i see how long i can go with out touching....just wiggling and squriming....till i just cant take it anymore..
Ever watch porn and re-enact the every scene? :bouncer:
Vg but wh....

why have you foresaken me lord, why? my hands down my thighs....feel myself getting so wet....nothing is better then the gasp that comes after the first touch to the clit...

You never talked like this with me in IMs, guess you never loved me like that... Undecided
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