Full Version: What is your pre bed ritual?
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Quote:So what is your post waking up ritual.....
mine is leaning against the wall over the toilet at a thirty degree angle so I can pee with the morning hard on and get some in the bowl.
Instead of leaning, I usually stand several inches further from the bowl, either way it's a pain.
Is it really that hard to pee with a hard on?
yea, because you have to fight the urge to masturbate.
fighting the urge to masturbate is a 24/7 activity for most guys.
Especially when you find a penis at the bottom of your goody bag. lol
fighting the urge to masturbate is a 24/7 activity for most guys.
be right back...
pre bed?
a glass of scotch (sipped slowly), a bottle of lube and a porno...
8 days a week :thumbs-up:
Quote:sleep still doesn't work.
So you're saying your sleep is broken?
I am much more a morning person.....
So I tend to jack in the shower.
ugh, morning people Rolleyes :-p

on the upside, i got a couple of valium today, i might actually have a full night's sleep in my future.. . :thumbs-up:
guess who I will NOT be thinking of tomorrow as I lather up...... Rolleyes
well, i'll be up tomorrow :disappointed:
wish me luck...
green card?
something like that... Undecided
Quote:What no list of skin care products?
I find no problem pissing with a hard on, just do what I do.

Piss in the tub.
AH gonzo like bathing in ur own nasty fuck :rofl:
Quote:Then i'll fix the bed( make sure the blanket and sheet are the way i like em)

This is funny as Hell to watch :-p You're so Damn picky about the Damn sheet and blanket...Isn't it obsessive?
I know one of those. He has to make the bed every morning just right too. I usually just leave everything bunched up in the middle, or at the bottom, I don't care.

It was tiring watching him change the sheets & all. There was like 27 steps! I tried to help, but I didn't know the correct adgenda. :rofl:
as part of my pre bed ritual I am going to call Sean now...
Breathe heavy,
and spank a batch.
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