Full Version: Are these bands emo?? - Warning, ikea type post.
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In June, after the British musical group the Planets introduced a 60-second piece of complete silence on its latest album, representatives of the estate of composer John Cage - whose piece "4'33"" consists of 273 seconds of silence - threatened to sue the group for ripping off Cage (the group, however, noted that the Cage camp had failed to specify which 60 of the 273 seconds it thought had been pilfered). Said Mike Batt of the Planets: "Mine is a much better silent piece. I [am] able to say in one minute what [took Cage] four minutes and 33 seconds."
never heard of them.
This is fucking ridiculous. When John Cage did that piece, he did it as an experiment. A LIVE experiment. The piece was done to make people more aware of their surroundings and to have the "chaos" come through as the music. The coughing, shuffling of papers, restlessness in seats, etc...

He actually wrote 4'33 in 3 movements, each having it's own specific length of time and meter. It was quite planned chaos. These guys took something experimental and cutting edge, and bastardized it and stole it. can you steal silence...
They stole the idea of his. It was published and copyrighted. Therefore, they stole it.
if you steal my sunshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
OK Len.....

you knew the name of the band... how am i the homo?

oh, and how can you copyright silence? ummmm....ok silence is mine, nobody can ever stop talking ever again.
I wouldn't sue Ken if he ripped this guy off forever.
I'm going to copyright using guitars in a song.

Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on Aug. 22 2002 at 1:43
I just copyrighted the 7 note and dramatic pauses.
I'm copyrighting replying to threads 6 days late
If you use D, G, or E chords in your songs, you're gonna have to pay me.
Quote:This is fucking ridiculous. When John Cage did that piece, he did it as an experiment. A LIVE experiment. The piece was done to make people more aware of their surroundings and to have the "chaos" come through as the music. The coughing, shuffling of papers, restlessness in seats, etc...

He actually wrote 4'33 in 3 movements, each having it's own specific length of time and meter. It was quite planned chaos. These guys took something experimental and cutting edge, and bastardized it and stole it.

Oh please, Maynerd, the only thing that was cutting edge about it was when he pinched his loaf after each of his 3 "movements".
SLASH gets a 4 for that post :lol: