Full Version: O&a cancelled.. is there already a thread?
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I was just wondering if anyone was talking about it. I looked for a thread, but couldn't find one.

Also, I see that <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is down (?)
There is a thread. Its in Entertainment Unlimted.

Click Here for said thread.

Edited By Jack on Aug. 22 2002 at 10:03
Thanks Jack.. I'll head over there.
In before teh lock.
me too!
Lock? :lookatme:
[maynard] :lookatme: [/maynard]
not locked yet!
nah.... no lock. Keep posting to keep it to the top of the page for others to see though. I don't feel like pinning it.
sure thing jack!
Its obvious that the Catholic Church is using this to take attention away from the fact that its priests are getting blow jobs from little boys...I think to take some of the attention off of O&A, we should all go out on mass murdering sprees....oh and don't forget to blame it on Britney Spears... :thumbs-up:
Avril Linguine.
No, thats too complicated.
I must destroy something.
Can you make it arpi's life, danked?
I just tipped over a chair.

It was exhilirating.
Can we light Sleepers hair on fire again?
jack, that joke would have been a lot funnier...

if you had used the "comedic pause".
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