Full Version: I wwant to nkow wher to put teh frunny pictrues!1
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Pages: 1 2
IrishAlkey Wrote:This Fez guy makes me laugh.
Yeah... I like him much better than the other Fez...
FNMoron Wrote:
Quote:This Fez guy makes me laugh.
Yeah... I like him much better than the other Fez...
Yeah but hes no fuggin moron.

That guy rapes sheep.
:disappointed: i miss Fez Undecided

No comments. No fucking comments.
I miss the old Sleeper Undecided
Quote:I miss the old Sleeper Undecided
me too.... this one sucks :disappointed:
... and he posts at now.... pfft...
i hated fez
Bastard never used the White Album sig I made for him that Maynard liked so much.
let sleeping dogs lie.
But it was a great sig!
If I took the time to make a sig for someone, and they didnt use it.... I'd spit on them.

I really should.
do you still have it? can we see it?
Pages: 1 2