Full Version: Tasteless jokes....
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Quote:Hedcold is my bestest pal
Quote:DIG always makes me giggle with his fake angst.
I assure you that I have genuine angst. Especially when I see colored people in my neighborhood.
calling them colored people is very racist.

They would have had to evolved into human from first to be called "people".
3 guys are walking in the desert
the italian is holding a bottle of wine
the american is holding a bag of money
the polock holding a car door over his head

the polock asks the italisn guy "hey why are you carrying a bottle of wine?
the italian responds "in case i get thirsty, i have the wine to drink."

the polock turns to the american and asks "why are you carrying a bag of money?"
the american responds "in case i get thirsty, i can buy a drink off of the italian."

puzzled, the italian and the american turn to the polock and ask "why the fuck are you carrying a car door?"
and the polock replies "in case i get hot, i can just roll down the window."

:lol: :thumbs-up:
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