Full Version: Lamest wrestler ever - Who is it?
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Ultimate Warrior would have my vote,
he had no moves,
he was slow as shit,

and his interviews always left me scratching my head.

All things considered I like Doink the Clown better...
(or whatever the Hell his name was)
Beaver Cleavage.
the ultimate warrior rocked.
i think the new undertaker is lame. i miss the big dead bastard :-(
Mike Sharpe
<li>Red Rooster
<li>The Demon
<li>Lex Luger
<li>The Widow Maker/Dirty Yellow Dog/any other name Barry Windham used besides Barry Windham
<li>The Repo Man
You should be beaten for even remembering the red rooster.
Adrian Adonis
Uncle Elmer and Cousin Jr.
The Link
everyone other than George The Animal Steele.
Barry Horowitz.

Quote:The Repo Man
Blasphemy! His mask was sooooo fetishistic.

Edited By Noellevious on Aug. 26 2002 at 2:10
I was shocked when Kim listed Iron Mike Sharpe.....
granted he wasn't great...
but far from lame.
Quote:Barry Horowitz.
the brooklyn brawler was lame, but i found it to be the funny lame
Cindy Lauper
Bad News Brown
Quote:Bad News Brown

His sewer rat gimmick was actually worse than anything he could ever do.
123 Kid/X-Pac
Razor Ramon/Scott Hall
Dusty Rhodes(american nightmare is more like it)
David Arquette
David Flair
Jersey Thunder brings Tugboat up.....
surely ranking with the red rooster in terms of gimmicks that led to drinking in excess and suicide attempts.....
Quote:drinking in excess and suicide attempts.....

They were Von Erichs?
Old school bad.......

The Mongolian Stomper......
The Moon Dawgs
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