Full Version: Let's save trish.......
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you left out the most important part of the sentence

It is a team sport.
like, sleeper and galt or afrika and gonzo?
sleeper and Galt make me laugh
that's one person.
which makes the fact they are the superior team sting all the more, no?
Luna needs some sex, Ladi needs less sex, you need help.
Is the spic gone yet?
DIG just needs a fuckin medal, lol.
and what do you need Gonzy?
I'll miss her if she's gone.

I think they detained her today.
Shall we storm the Bastille?
I wanna be Athos!
you are far to late for that...
Maynard is Athos,
Gonzo is Porthos,
and Arpi is Aramis
D'Artagnan is lame. :-(
Jean Val Jean??? (spelling?)
Mighty Mouse.
he was French???

how bout the Scarlet Pimpernell???
Pepe le Pew!
Savouirre Faire is every where....
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