Full Version: Fu jack - As per instructed!
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Damnit Jack, how dare you move my... er... that thread. You had no fucking right. That thread was started by a mod. A mod should not be modding another mod. It is just wrong.
Hey Ken, could you stop.....oh, never mind.
I don't even have a status. :-(
why don't you give yourself another one like 'i am the god of fuck'? how cool you will be!!!!!!
Because I've stopped giving myself status'.
Isn't that statii?
Quote:Isn't that statii?

Isn't that an ancient Greek measure of distance?
Quote:Isn't that an ancient Greek measure of distance?

If you really want to piss yourself off Jack,
Start Deleting your threads......

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 27 2002 at 8:57
Jack is improving at the funney
Quote:Jack is improving at the funney

Yeah, it's starting to scare me, too.

He is even getting a little chip on his shoulder as well.
Quote:He is even getting a little chip on his shoulder as well.

I don't know if that was a joke or not but it went over my head if it was.

Edited By Jack on Aug. 27 2002 at 11:09
But I want to catch at least one of those Damn balls.
Sounds like me at the last softball game...

only the ball landed in front of me...

and then rolled behind me....

and I had to chase it.
you dropped your bra Jack
and I think you need to retuck, you're starting to show
awww, fuck. Jack is a fuckin cross dresser? You know, somethings are just better off not being known.
And he wonders why he gets dirty looks from the neighbors...
His sunbathing in a bikini during their picnic, probably wasn't the best idea
Was that the time he asked the guy on the other side of the fence to smear lotion on his back?
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