Full Version: And the winners are...
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:no weed.
Quote:Sux for you :fuggin:

It sure as shit does! Confusedmokey:
Maymay has a blue bong on his shelf that looks like a dildo.
No silly GS, its a blue dildo that looks like a bong.
Next to the yellow curtains!!!! I saw it.. weeeeee :firebounce:
Can we get a vote going on best mod parody song?
That would be fun Keyser. And let the members vote for the finalists instead.

what would a mod want though....hmmmmm.....
The winner gets to throw Maynard in the cell for however long he decides it should last. Oh.. wait, we could do that anyway already.

How about no prize. Just do it for the Hell of it.
i don't want anything, just recognition and the pride of a job well done..........

and a bj from vg.
so, basically you don't want anything other than the impossible? :clueless:
Quote:and a bj from vg.
Sucks to be you.
Pages: 1 2