Full Version: Sushi.... - Being adventurous
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You know what creeped me out? My friend got a Philadelphia roll which is just smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber, and the cream cheese grossed me out for some reason.
I'll stick with the pepperidge farms goldfish :-D
Great, now I'm all hungry for sushi and there are no decent Japanese restaurants within 20 miles of work. I hate you guys. Oh, and wasabi is a gift from God
I just can't get into sushi for some reason. Be honest.. doesn't it really all taste the same? Undecided
I've had the raw tuna, salmon and shrimp, and it doesn't taste the same at all. The tuna had a much meatier texture and taste to it, and the salmon and the shrimp were very smooth and sweet.

I'm trying to con a friend into going out for it again tonight...wish me luck. :-p
Ahhh, true. I guess the tuna would taste different than shrimp. I really have no idea because I've only tried it a few times.

Good luck with dinner tonight :thumbs-up:
my favorite is the tsunami roll that they make over at banzai, the local sushi/hibachi place down here where i work in Princeton. its a lobster tempura with some kind of tasty sause rolled up and ive also had it somewhere else where they cover the whole roll tempura style. crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside with the sauce, delicious.
the ginger dressing is really good and for those of you who are counting calories it is low in fat.

i have found it in small markets for sale and it was just as good as the stuff that they serve you at sushi joints.
They sell that dressing in the stores?! I love it!!

:-( Not having sushi tonight, but am getting to see my movie choice....
I just has sushi last night. i had some salmon skin, some eel, spicy tuna roll, and i actualy had the raw octupus over a ball of rice. it was quite good.
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