Full Version: Dream theater - Is anyone else going?
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sleeper is a jew ahaahahhhahhhahahahahhhhahhahahhahahah

Half was still enough for Hitler.
could be worse, I could be half black
Can't argue with that.
If I owned a message board, every thread would end up in race bashing.
Quote:Half was still enough for Hitler.

Too bad Jews don't own message boards.
yea, they own the entire internet instead.
how did you know about my site?
Everyone pure-blood aryan knows of Jewwatch.
Ok they were definitely great just a tad short, especially since Satriani went on for a really long time. Still a good experience, all in all.
did we make jewwatch yet?
No but you made it onto
Wish I could've gone...they always kick ass live. Sucks that they played a short set though.

How was King's X?
I missed King's X because of southbound traffic. I got there shortly into Satriani's act.
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